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Carlo Scarpa - Office

Carlo Scarpa, born in Venice the 2nd June 1906, was an Italian designer, architect and academic through the most relevant of the XX century. After the Venetian Artistic Academy, at the end of the twenties he realized his first home furnishings and spent time with Venetian artists and intellectuals. His first expositions began in 1932 during the Biennale di Venezia and in 1934 during the Triennale di Milano. Between 1935 an 1937, Scarpa realized his first hard work that became one of the most innovative renovation projects of that period: the ‘Ca Foscari placement. In 1956 he obtained the Olivetti National Award for architecture, but was also awarded IN / Arch. (1962), Gold Medal of the Ministry of Education for Culture and Art (1962), the President of the Republic for Architecture Award (1967). Many posthumous exhibitions has been dedicated to the Italian designer in the most important museums all over the world.

Le bureau est ce lieu flexible et intelligent qui stimule la créativité et la productivité. Chez Mohd, innovation, ergonomie et élégance trouvent leur place dans les solutions pour bureau à domicile et grands espaces de travail des grandes marques design.